
About True Western Roundup Royalty

Our Royalty serve as the official ambassadors and spokeswomen for the True Western Roundup by recognizing the importance of promoting a positive image and awareness of rodeo while preserving our western heritage. It is our goal to represent True Western Roundup and the community at the highest level of integrity and professionalism.

If you are between the age of 8 and 18 and interested in knowing more about our TWR Royalty Program, please contact our Royalty Coordinator Kayla Koskie at 970-749-1059.

2024 Royalty Sponsors

A & C Milling
Ables Towing
Aces Auto & Trailer
Adobe Milling
Alpine Lumber
Barts New York Deli
Brennan Oil
Builders First Source
C&J Gravel
Car Quest

Carhartt Feed & Seed
Cortez Animal Bed & Breakfast
Cowcamp Coffee
Cruzan Construction
Demand Dry Carpet Cleaning
Dolores State Bank
Dos Cuatro Leather
Dove Creek Auto Parts
Dove Creek Dinner Bell
Dove Creek Rack Haus

Dove Creek Superette
Engstrom Custom Welding
Feathered Farrier
Firefly Designs
Fit 24/7
Honnen Equipment
Isgar Ranches
Jordan Dental Labratory
Julie Suckla Realty
Kendall Asphalt

Major Mortgage
Meranda Lincoln
Midnight Fuel
Mudpuppies Pawshoppe
Rock Solid Granite
Rodeo Run Branded
Ryan’s Wrenchin & Trenchin
SWC Hunting Service
Take A Seat Table & Chair Rentals
The Mailroom & Copy Center
UPS Store
Xtrov Realty


La Plata County Fairgrounds
2500 Main Ave, Durango, CO 81301

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